How AAP Aviation's Total Crew Management™ is playing an important role in addressing sustainable working models in our industry

Last year, CAPA shared their 2023 Megatrends and World Summit Agenda regarding the global aviation trends predicted for 2024, where it was highlighted that labor qualification and retention will remain  an operational challenge in the upcoming years. With costs continuously rising and regulatory approvals slowing down hiring processes, airlines are facing the need to provide innovative measures that meet the industry's demands. But how to overcome these challenges with solutions that are both sustainable and cost-effective? 

Shortage of qualified professionals and the urging need for sustainable working models  

With  demand for air travel constantly increasing, airlines are struggling to recruit and retain skilled and experienced personnel, resulting in a major challenge as they strive to maintain efficient operations, excellent customer service and ensure job security for their employees. Flexibility and adaptability have become paramount in ensuring seamless operations while catering to the changing demands of the market - which include the ability to quickly scale up or down operations, adapt scheduling to meet fluctuating passenger demands, and optimize crew resources efficiently. Peoplewant flexibility and adaptability, and to offer job security on those terms may come as a challenge to many airlines.  

Reversing traffic, saving costs and ensuring job security with Total Crew Management™ 

AAP Aviation's Total Crew Management focuses on reversing traffic and reversing the way airlines operate, by providing a total package of crew management solutions based on where people live. This approach offers a comprehensive solution to access a global pool of qualified professionals and the need for sustainable working models, enhancing job security for aviation professionals on local competitive terms.The model also supports airlines in overcoming the challenges related to regulatory approvals and dialogue with the local unions, as it places great importance on the value of collective bargaining and solid labour agreements (CBA and CLA) - and creates an environment that empowers crew to create a successful career path. 

With Total Crew Management in place, airlines can engage competent professionals from different regions of the world, thereby ensuring a cost-effective and sustainable supply of skilled aircrew members. This approach not only helps in bridging the talent gap but also provides cost optimization for airlines, reducing their expenditure on training, recruitment and crew management.  

CAPA’s predicted trends for 2024 also address the need to increase investments in in-house resources while forming strategic partnerships with specialized recruiters and providers. This two-fold approach can effectively address the shortage of professionals in the industry and ensure a sustainable future for aviation, and as we look towards the future and the challenges it may bring, our Total Crew Management model proves to be an innovative and sustainable solution that help shape a successful aviation ecosystem in 2024 and beyond. 


Benefits of becoming an international Cabin Crew member 


AAP Aviation and FLY4 Airlines announce collaborative partnership